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Japan to support the Project for Improvement of Water Supply System in Mandalay City of Myanmar

| International Cooperation Reports, Reports | 06/09/2015

Signing of Grant Agreement with the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Date: June 3, 2015
Source: Japan International Cooperation Agency

– Supporting safe water access in Mandalay, Myanmar’s second largest city –

On June 3, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed a grant agreement (G/A) with the Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to provide grant aid of up to 2.555 billion yen for assistance for the Project for Improvement of Water Supply System in Mandalay City.

By enhancing the water supply systems in Mandalay, which is located in the central part of Myanmar, this project will address the water supply need for the growing population while ensuring the safety of the drinking water.

Mandalay has a population exceeding 1.25 million people, is second only to Yangon in terms of commercial activity, and is a key location for transportation and communication. Although a water supply coverage rate of 67 percent has been achieved in Mandalay overall, the rapid increase in the population in recent years and construction of commercial facilities have resulted in 6 percent water supply coverage in the southern area of the city where urban expansion has begun. New water supply facilities are therefore a priority.

This project will construct water supply facilities in Pyi Gyi Tagon Township, which is in the southern part of Mandalay, and install a disinfection facility in the existing water supply facilities, addressing the water needs of the rising population and ensuring the safety of the drinking water, thereby improving the health and sanitation for local residents and improving the living environment. In addition to this project, JICA is carrying out the Improvement of Mandalay’s Capacity on Water Treatment Plant Operation, a JICA partnership program, in cooperation with the Kitakyushu City Water and Sewer Bureau of Japan, and will continue to provide comprehensive support for the water environment in Myanmar.

Basic Project Information

Country Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Project Title Project for Improvement of Water Supply System in Mandalay City
Planned Implementation Period Constraction: 32 months, including detailed design work and bidding period
Executing Agency Mandalay City Development Committee
Target Region, Facilities Mandalay
Specific Project Details
  • Constmction of water supply facilities in Pyi Gyi Tagon Township: two production wells. a water distribution reservoir (approximately 3.024 cubic meters), a water distribution pump facility (with three pumps), water distribution pipes (approximately 98.5 kilometers), a disinfection facility, water supply pipes and water meters (8.952 households), other
  • Installation of a disinfection facility in the existing water supply systems in Mandalay: a hypochlorous acid generation facility. nine hypo-chlorine dosing facilities

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