Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems establish environmental systems to removal of PM2.5 fine particulate matter and other pollutants in China

MHPS and FEIDA Establish Environmental Systems Joint Venture in China
Date: Jul 1, 2014
Source: Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd.
The joint venture company will offer comprehensive flue gas treatment solutions for the removal of PM2.5 particulate matter and other pollutants emitted by coal-fired power plants and other sources. After completing registration procedures, the new company plans to begin operating this autumn.

High-performance smoke dust removal systems
The new company, tentatively named Zhejiang Feida MHPS High-Efficiency Flue Gas Cleaning Systems Engineering Co., Ltd., will have its head office in Hangzhou. Utilizing high-performance environmental system technologies from its parent companies, the newly established joint venture will develop and market technologies and products in China aimed at the removal of airborne pollutants, including PM2.5 fine particulate matter. The equally-owned joint venture will be capitalized at 6.66 million US dollars (approximately 680 million yen) and will have about 40 employees at its inauguration. The new company will be headed by an executive from MHPS.
In China, airborne PM2.5 particulates and other pollutants have been spreading and become a source of concern because of their potential to adversely affect human health. In China, installed capacity of coal-fired power plants, to which approximately 20 percent of PM2.5 generation sources is said to be attributable, is about 750 gigawatts (GW), and the country plans to increase coal-fired power generation capacity by 50 to 60GW annually. While there is a move to seek tightening of emission regulation for coal-fired power plants to the level of natural gas-fired power plants, the move has arisen only in a part of coastal area. Under these circumstances, Chinese government is strengthening emission control rules, and wide-spread adoption of high-performance pollutant removal systems has become a matter of urgency.
MHPS owns technologies and products that can remove hazardous material from flue gas emitted by coal-fired power plants, including flue-gas denitrification (DeNOx) systems, gas gas heater systems (GGH), and desulfurization (DeSOx) systems. By combining these systems, a comprehensive solution for flue gas treatment can be provided. Most coal-fired power plants in Japan are already equipped with high-performance smoke dust removal systems, approximately 90 percent of which are supplied by MHPS.
FEIDA is a major environmental system manufacturer in China. It has a 40 percent share (approx.) of the Chinese ESP market, possesses various advanced technologies related to ESP. FEIDA posted about 33.1 billion yen in sales in 2013 with 1,700 employees. The company will contribute advanced low-temperature ESP technology to the joint venture.
Going forward, MHPS will fully support the new joint venture’s business development, and will strive to contribute to China’s efforts to address environmental issues by strengthening its relationship with FEIDA.