Mitsubishi to test new High-efficiency 2MW Gas Engine to confirm world’s highest level of power generation efficiency

MHI Develops High-efficiency 2MW Gas Engine
Date: Aug 6, 2014
Source: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
– Demonstration Testing of Prototype to Commence in September To Confirm World’s Highest Level of Power Generation Efficiency –
Tokyo, August 6, 2014 – Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI), as part of the Strategic Innovation Program for Energy Conservation Technologies operated by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), has developed a 2-megawatt (MW) 16-cylinder high-speed gas engine achieving one of the world’s highest power generation efficiency ratings in a high-speed gas engine. Through the adoption of technologies including two-stage turbocharging1 and Miller cycle2, the new engine offers power generation efficiency exceeding 44.7% (lower heating value3), one of the highest ratings for a high-speed gas engine for power generation and cogeneration applications.
Demonstration testing using a prototype of the new engine will get under way in September. Ultimately MHI is targeting commercial production of the engine for applications including distributed generation, regular generation and cogeneration, and emergency generation during times of disaster.

Prototype of newly developed 2MW 16-cyliner high-speed gas engine
In Japan, the importance of securing electricity supplies and distributed power generation sources has intensified in the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011, and at both the national and local levels governmental bodies are devising measures to encourage the introduction of cogeneration systems. Overseas, substantial expansion in the market for gas engine power supplies is anticipated against the backdrop of the promotion of distributed power generation systems responding to shale gas development in North America and to expanding power consumption in China and other Asian countries.
MHI’s newly developed 16-cylinder high-speed gas engine has achieved a power generation efficiency rating in excess of 44.7% (LHV), one of the highest ratings in a gas engine for use in power generation and cogeneration. This achievement has been made possible through the development of two-stage turbocharging technology enabling the adaptation of a high Miller cycle, the development of elemental technologies for a high power ratio to raise mechanical efficiency, and the achievement of high power generation efficiency.