Asahi Glass’s Tech Makes Power Generation Possible on Former Salt Farm in Hyogo Pref.

Mega-solar System in Ako-city to Begin Operation – AGC Group’s Tech Makes Power Generation Possible on Former Salt Farm
Date: Mar 10, 2015
Source: Asahi Glass Co., Ltd.
Tokyo, March 11, 2015 — AGC (Asahi Glass Co., Ltd.; Head Office: Tokyo; President & CEO: Takuya Shimamura) held a ceremony on March 10, 2015 to celebrate completion of the Mega-solar System (Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. Ako Photovoltaic Power Station; Power generation capacity: approximately 4.2 Megawatts), which was built in Ako-city, Hyogo Prefecture. AGC constructed the system on a former salt farm to use the site effectively.
The salt farm was chosen as an ideal candidate site for the Mega-solar system, but there were concerns that equipment, components, and materials installed and used there would be susceptible to corrosion and salt damage.
In response, AGC used AGC Group’s PlalloyTM, a fiber-reinforced plastics (FRP) material, which is immune to corrosion, for the structural frame of the photovoltaic system. In addition, to minimize the effects of salt damage, AGC used a lightweight solar panel (developed by Mitsubishi Electric Corporation), which features LeoflexTM, AGC’s chemically strengthened specialty glass, on both sides. This enables long-term stable power generation in an area where salt damage can occur.
The AGC Group will continue to provide parts, materials, and technologies that contribute to supplying clean energy.

Lightweight solar panel featuring Leoflex™ on both sides, and structural frame made of FRPmaterial Plalloy™