Japan and the US are doing the most innovating in 3D printing, nanotech and robotics

UN Report: US and Japan Are Leading in 3D Printing
Date: Nov 13, 2015
Source: ALL3DP by Hannah Augur
According to a UN report, Japan and the US are doing the most innovating in 3D printing, nanotech and robotics…and governments everywhere need to listen.
3D printing is a field that is somehow making leaps and bounds while being simultaneously stymied. Whatever the reason, printing, nanotechnology and robotics are not getting the attention they deserve – or that many people think they are. An agency of the UN had plenty of concerns after a recent study of just how much innovation is happening around the world and what it means for development and growth.
The World Intellectual Property Report is released every two years and their findings this one are a very mixed bag. While the US and Japan have moved at rocket speed as far as innovation in these fields is concerned, the rest of the world is trailing behind.
Over 75% of patents ever filed in these areas comes from six countries: Japan, the United States, Germany, France, the United Kingdom and the Republic of Korea.
How did this happen?
What the UN also uncovered was vital information as to why the US and Japan are so far ahead of the game. Namely, they provide the most funding and support. But it doesn’t end at the theoretical or research level. They found that these countries were more likely to fund innovative technologies for manufacturing, taking the vital step from paper to real world. Fluid links between the public and private sector were also able to aid growth and development.