Portable oshiri “bottom” cleaner for “genital cleansing” lover
A Product for the Troubled Travelers
Date: Jun 28, 2014
Source: Panasonic Corporation
If you had a friend who visited Japan, you may have heard stories from them about great sushi restaurants, the ALWAYS on time trains, people in the city as if they just walked out of a comic book, the crazy vending machines but most importantly the long story of the infamous toilets known for giving gentle jets of warm water to clean your you know what.
To Japanese people, these high-tech toilets are in fact the everyday norm known to them as bidets. Not only are they available for at home use but also in public buildings, shopping malls, schools etc. With the popularization of these toilets, it comes without explanation that the average Japanese person may be a little troubled to find out these toilets are not available overseas.
To address this important daily routine and inconvenience that could be caused, Panasonic is introducing a product for those troubled travelers.