Aderans Gives Lectures at Prestigious British University of Leicester for 2 Years in Row, First by Japanese Company
Date: Nov 24, 2017
Source: Aderans Co., Ltd.
– Lectures Given to MBA Students in Formal Class, Including Case of Establishing Hair Salon inside Hospital to Give Consideration to Feelings of Cancer Patients, Other CSR Activities in UK –
Total hair solution company Aderans Co., Ltd. was officially invited by the University of Leicester in the UK to give lectures regarding strategic CSR to MBA students on September 4, 2017. Last year, the company gave a special lecture to MBA students for the first time as a Japanese company and the lecture received an extremely favorable response. Because of this, the company gave lectures in a formal MBA class again this year, the first Japanese company to do so. It was also the first time that a Japanese company gave lectures for two years in a row at the university.
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