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Tokyo Metropolitan University’s Researchers Discover a Novel Layered Superconductor Based on Tin and Arsenic

| Awards and Honors, Reports | 11/12/2017

Tokyo Metropolitan University's Researchers - Yosuke Goto and Yoshikazu Mizuguchi

Researchers Discover a Novel Layered Superconductor Based on Tin and Arsenic

Date: Nov 8, 2017
Source: Tokyo Metropolitan University

The layered superconducting material is characterized by a crystal structure in which a SnAs layer (wherein Sn and As are two-dimensionally bonded to develop superconductivity) and a Na layer (the spacer layer) are alternately laminated. Considering that such a layered structure is similar to that of a cuprate- or iron-based high-temperature (high-Tc) superconductor, it is possible that in SnAs-based layered materials, superconductivity is developed as a result of the unconventional pairing mechanism.

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